I am hoping that through all the experiences I have had that I can share some of it and if not, than at least provide some amazing entertainment( no guarantees). I do promise to always share my opinions and feelings! Live, Laugh, Love, My favorite phrase and I strive everyday, in every situation to remember it!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A bit of this and that

I have been lacking in posting lately. I have no reason for this other than I am lazy! So here are some random updates and thoughts.
Last night I was sleeping around 11:30pm and I got a call. I was so excited since I thought it was Cammie telling me to meet her at the hospital to have the baby. No such luck, it was my SIL telling me my nearly nephew had a bed fall on his head. I went over to look at him and make sure he was ok and he was thank goodness. He just knocked his cute little pea-pickin noggin pretty hard.
Cammie is just about to her due date and I am so excited to be able to be with her and help/coach her through the birthing process. She is due July 14th and I am super pumped!!!
I will try to update more later.

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