I am hoping that through all the experiences I have had that I can share some of it and if not, than at least provide some amazing entertainment( no guarantees). I do promise to always share my opinions and feelings! Live, Laugh, Love, My favorite phrase and I strive everyday, in every situation to remember it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Checking 123

Stress? check
anxiety? check
afraid? check
Confidence? CHECK!!!!
I have been sick over the call from my Dr yesterday. I am stressed, anxious, scared, and also very confidant in my choices and in my medical team. I threw myself a pretty good little pity party yesterday. I cried, yelled and broke things. Then I stepped back and thought, Why am I feeling all these bad things? I'm alive wow! I am so glad to be able to feel all these wild emotions. As you will recall, I was going to be lucky to live to see Christmas. Here I am more than 5 months later.

Sometimes in our lives it is hard to see anything positive with all the crap that surrounds us. If you wake up in the morning you have something positive to see. We are not promised anything in this life so I say, LIVE IT!!!! One of my favorite General Authorities Elder Richard G. Scott said, " Just when all seems to be going alright, challenges often come in multiple doses applied
simultaneously. When those trials are not the consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more. He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get you from where you are to where he wants you to be requires a lot of stretching and that generally entails much pain and discomfort."

I truly believe in these things. I need to get busy but have a blessed week.

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