I am hoping that through all the experiences I have had that I can share some of it and if not, than at least provide some amazing entertainment( no guarantees). I do promise to always share my opinions and feelings! Live, Laugh, Love, My favorite phrase and I strive everyday, in every situation to remember it!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Friendly Spotlight

Today I am thinking about my sweet friend Cammie. Cammie is actually my husband's cousin. I don't quite remember how we first started talking. She used to live in Hawaii. We began talking through facebook and eventually were at the point where we were talking on the phone pretty much everyday. We worked through quite a few heavy things in each of our lives. We were able to develop a deep connection and a lifelong relationship.
Cammie's main squeeze/ hubby is in the ARMY! He was whatever you call it, moved to a different post in NY! I finally got to meet her while they were moving from Hawaii to NY. I think it had been well over a year since we met and began talking. Well wouldn't you know it, he got deployed to Afghanistan. PS Thank you for your service Daryl!
While he is deployed Cammie came home to Utah to live. I am super happy about it cause I get to spend more time with her. On July 9th she gave birth to a BEAUTIFUL baby girl. She is now the amazing mother to Kaleb who is going on 2 and baby Katelyn.
What a wonderful sister, friend, and family member she is to me. I absolutely believe we found each other and were placed together for a reason. I know that no matter how crappy and bad my day is, I can call her to vent, get advice, or or just visit. She has improved my life in ways I cannot describe. Thank you Cammie! I love you!