I am hoping that through all the experiences I have had that I can share some of it and if not, than at least provide some amazing entertainment( no guarantees). I do promise to always share my opinions and feelings! Live, Laugh, Love, My favorite phrase and I strive everyday, in every situation to remember it!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Light Show 2011 - This Is Halloween

This is so neat and creative. It really shows that someone put hard work into this for others to enjoy. Think about this as you engage with others. Try to reach out to others and do something to simply make them happy. I did this today at work. There is a girl I work with who is getting married soon and has been stressed, nervous, and overwhelmed. I left a simple note on her desk for when she came in. All it was, was a note telling her I am here for you and you can do this. Pay it forward. Reach out to others because you never know how bad they may be feeling. Happy Wednesday!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

LIFEadvice: Living with an angry teenager By Kimberly Giles, ksl.com contributor

This is a great article I found on ksl.com. I want to share to help and educate others. I found it very informative. What did you think?

SALT LAKE CITY -- Life is a complicated and messy endeavor. Life Coach Kim Giles is here to help you with simple, principle-based solutions to the challenges you face. Coach Kim will empower you to get along with others and become the best you.


I have an 11-year-old. Her body is changing and so is her attitude. I often find myself stooping down to her level when she says "I am not going to do that!"

Once she starts her daily arguing, throwing tantrums, calling names and/or pushing my husband and I away, I find that my husband and I start to argue with each other over the way we discipline her.

I am so frustrated sometimes I do not want to go home. We have tried time out, taking pleasurable things away, spending more time with her and telling her repeatedly that we love her. I am at a loss of what we should do to turn her attitude around and to make my home a place of harmony.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Ask Coach Kim
Do you have a question for Coach Kim, or maybe a topic you'd like her to address? Email her at kim@lifeadviceradio.com .


You and your husband should read the book "Parenting with Love and Logic" by Fay and Cline. In the meantime I’ll give you a few ideas on parenting teenagers.

Most teenage bad-behavior is motivated by one of three things. It is either:

  1. A request for love and validation,
  2. A request for attention or
  3. A request for more freedom
Step back from the situation and ask yourself what is motivating this behavior today?

Once you can clearly see why she is behaving the way she is, you can assess your options for a response.

If she is angry all the time, which is normal for teenagers, she may need a little more space and freedom. If she is asking for validation, she wants you to accept her as she is. If she is creating drama to get your attention, you may need to spend more time as a family.

No matter what you do, you must stay calm and in control when dealing with your teen. You must stay logical and loving. A never-fail approach, no matter the situation, is to have a validating conversation with her.

Ask questions about what she is feeling and what she thinks about this situation. Listen without responding. Validate her right to see the situation whatever messed up way she sees it.

Respecting her right to feel the way she feels — even if she is wrong — shows her she is important and valued. Then ask if she would be open to a little advice from mom or dad? Only give it with her permission. If she says 'no' wait for another day. Respecting her in this way earns respect back.

Studio 5: When Good Kids Make Bad Choices

The best way to validate another human being is by listening to his or her feelings. Teenagers aren’t always in the mood to talk though. You may have to wait for the right moment.

If freedom is her issue, give her the freedom to make more choices. Explain the natural consequences of her choices and then leave it to her to decide.

Remember the desire for freedom is a natural trait in all human beings. It is a fact of life that the oppressed will always rebel. As parents of teenagers we have to find a balance between loving guidance and lots of free agency.

Our children learn their greatest lessons from their mistakes. Don’t be afraid to let a head strong child make more choices on their own. Stay out of their way as much as possible. Care but don’t control. If she is pushing for more responsibility, give it to her. then give her more and more freedom as she ages.

As for the fighting in your home, it takes two to fight. If you refuse to play it’s not nearly as fun.

You and your husband need to stop blaming each other. You are both responsible for these two relationships but the only thing you have any control over is you.

Ask yourself…

  • How can I make each of these relationships better?
  • How can I step it up and behave more mature, calm and loving?
  • How can I stop getting defensive and give love instead?

You must get control over your own emotions if you are going to teach your daughter how to handle disagreements calmly. You must teach by example. This means recognizing everyone is inherently good but scared to death most all the time. Fear that they aren’t loved and respected drives most of their behavior. Have more compassion for your spouse and child. They are doing the best they can with what they know. They just don’t know everything.

Choose to be the love in these relationships.

Focus on how you can make each other feel safe and validated. Once they feel safe, you can have great conversations about making things better.

I hope this helps.

How come it takes so little time for a child who is afraid of the dark to become a teenager who wants to stay out all night?

Monday, October 24, 2011

dumb dumb dadada dumb

Have you ever worked with someone, or had someone you know that treats you, like you are a 5 year old child? How do you deal with it? I tend to put up a wall and sadly, it breaks me. I am a very strong person. I am a person that can be trusted to be there when all hell breaks loose. My grandmother used to tell to handle my business than fall apart later when the storm has calmed. I do both of these things very well. However today I broke. I feel weak, cry babyish, beaten and just plain awful. I vented and now I am going to buck up and press forward. Damn the day anyway.

Words for thought.

Did you know that "ough" can be pronounced TEN DIFFERENT WAYS?

There's "cough" (which rhymes with "off"), "enough" (which rhymes with "stuff"), "dough" (which rhymes with "no"), "through" (which rhymes with "do"), "thought" (which sounds like "awe"), "plough" (an alternative spelling of "plow"), "hiccough" (an alternative spelling of "hiccup"), "hough" (an alternative spelling of "hock"), "lough" (an alternative spelling of "loch"), and "thorough" (which has a different pronunciation in the UK than it does in American English).

Try this sentence: "A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed."

Monday, October 17, 2011

Kids, Kids, and more Kids

I just spent 7 out of the last 10 days staying at my sister in law Vanessa's house watching her 3 foster kids while she and her hubby went elk hunting. HOLY EXHAUSTING! Between sibling rivalry, mood changes and crying fits I am worn out. It's nothing that I cannot handle but wow what a trying time for me. I am happy that she trusted me to care for the kids. It makes me feel needed which I thrive on. They are some amazing kiddos and oddly enough I look forward to watching them again even though it wore me out. It's great practice and it helps me to learn parenting techniques. I also grew a little in the patience area which I have very little of.

Vanessa, her hubby, and Our cousin all got their animals... They got the 2 cow elk on opening day and the spike this past Saturday. There is 1 more tag to fill but it should get gotten today or tomorrow.

Unfortunately due to babysitting I had to miss my sweet friend Laura's baby shower :( SAD DAY!!! So shout out to her... I am so sorry I love you and would've loved to be there and share the fun party with you! I can't wait for little baby "Sven" (lol) gets here so I can meet him.

Other than playing mom for a week I did find some time to work, read, and relax. OK who am I kidding I can never relax. That is my goal for this weekend to do nothing but relax and rest.

I leave you with this quote: ( can you tell I LOVE quotes?)
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

Monday, October 10, 2011

You can't fix stupid

I have said this over and over..... YOU CAN"T FIX STUPID!!!!

epic fail photos - Understanding Modern Technology FAIL
see more funny videos, and check out our Yo Dawg lols!

New app helps women track ovarian cancer symptoms

This is an article I found on ksl.com

SALT LAKE CITY — The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance has released a free smartphone and tablet computer application to help women learn more about the risks, signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, as well as determine when to visit a doctor.

While there is no reliable early detection test for ovarian cancer, awareness of the symptoms is the best way for a woman to know whether she should be concerned and seek further medical attention.

The Ovarian Cancer Symptom Diary App guides a woman through a short list of questions about risk factors related to ovarian cancer, including family history of cancer and use of hormone replacement therapy. The program can keep track of the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer, which include bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly, and urinary urgency and frequency.

If symptoms are felt and recorded for at least 14 days in a month, the app will send an email suggesting an appointment to be tested for ovarian cancer, which claims a woman's life every 37 minutes in the United States.

"The symptoms of ovarian cancer are often mistaken for other, less serious diseases," said Karen Kaplan, CEO of the National Alliance. "As a result, women are usually diagnosed when their disease is advanced and the odds of surviving are the lowest."

Symptoms of ovarian cancer
  • Abdominal pressure, fullness, swelling or bloating
  • Pelvic discomfort or pain
  • Persistent indigestion, gas or nausea
  • Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation
  • Changes in bladder habits, including a frequent need to urinate
  • Loss of appetite or quickly feeling full
  • Increased abdominal girth or clothes fitting tighter around your waist
  • A persistent lack of energy
  • Low back pain

  • Source: Mayo Clinic

    Kaplan said the app was designed to get more women to see a doctor as soon as symptoms exist, as ovarian cancer is the 5th-leading cause of women's cancer deaths in the country, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    "I know how busy women are. It is hard to take time for your health when you are working and caring for your family and home," National Alliance Board President and ovarian cancer survivor Anette Leal Mattern said in a video demonstration of the application. She said the app makes noticing and recording sometimes subtle symptoms, a lot easier.

    The app can be accessed and downloaded at http://www.ovariancancer.org/app/.

    The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance advocates for women with ovarian cancer and promotes research for the development of an early detection test, improved health care practices and life-saving treatment protocols. The major focus of the group is on educating health care professionals and the public about the risks, signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, which often go undetected for too long, Kaplan said.

    "We hope this app will encourage women to see their physicians as soon as possible if they experience symptoms that might indicate ovarian cancer," she said.


    Thursday, October 6, 2011

    To snow or not to snow???.....

    Yep it happened...... Its rained for a good 12-24ish hours then the UNTHINKABLE happened. IT SNOWED!!!! Not enough to stick but enough that it made a nice short lived white blanket for my grass. I'll be honest, I love it!!! It made my day so happy. I say bring it on mother nature.

    Also I received an award at work today. It's a Doba Doozie award. I got for being the most improved customer service agent for the 3rd quarter. Not only does it make me feel appreciated but I feel validated that I am doing a good job and people around me see that. I truly love my job and company even if I have days where work is beyond stressful.

    I will leave you with this fun little quote that I think speaks my attitude of the weather perfectly:

    “Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.”

    Wednesday, October 5, 2011

    An Amazing Cover of Adele's 'Someone Like You'

    Here is a better version from the Ellen show!!! I love them!

    Adele - Someone Like You

    Another amazing cover!!!

    Oh The Lies.......

    Yesterday I was called out!!! A co-worker politely reminded me that my blog title is A LIE!! WHAT??!! It made me laugh. So on response to that here is a "daily" dose of me!

    Today it is cloudy and cool out and I love it! Anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE fall. I am planning to drive the Nebo loop in the very near future for some amazing views. I love the smells the rain storms, and the great crispness to the air. I have been sleeping so good with a big blanket or 2 and the windows open to enjoy the fresh air. I am excited to make lots of pumpkin flavored things too. I'm not sure why but I only do this in the fall. Weird or not??

    So there you are Mr. Jason.....
    And I leave you with this amazing quote:

    Live well dear friends
    In all you do,
    Tho’ paths be old
    Or paths be new,
    But to yourself
    Be ever true,
    Live well!

    Laugh often friends
    Tho’ passing years
    Bring, sometimes, smiles
    And, sometimes, tears,
    For mirth forever
    Warms and cheers
    Laugh often!

    Love much dear friends
    For love will bring
    The healing joy
    And hope of Spring,
    Where pain and fear may never dwell
    Nor anguish touch….

    And so Live well,
    Laugh often too,
    And more, dear friends,
    Love much!

    Written by: John McLeod

    Tuesday, October 4, 2011

    Blame Game

    All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him/her, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him/her, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.