I am hoping that through all the experiences I have had that I can share some of it and if not, than at least provide some amazing entertainment( no guarantees). I do promise to always share my opinions and feelings! Live, Laugh, Love, My favorite phrase and I strive everyday, in every situation to remember it!

Monday, October 24, 2011

dumb dumb dadada dumb

Have you ever worked with someone, or had someone you know that treats you, like you are a 5 year old child? How do you deal with it? I tend to put up a wall and sadly, it breaks me. I am a very strong person. I am a person that can be trusted to be there when all hell breaks loose. My grandmother used to tell to handle my business than fall apart later when the storm has calmed. I do both of these things very well. However today I broke. I feel weak, cry babyish, beaten and just plain awful. I vented and now I am going to buck up and press forward. Damn the day anyway.

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