I am hoping that through all the experiences I have had that I can share some of it and if not, than at least provide some amazing entertainment( no guarantees). I do promise to always share my opinions and feelings! Live, Laugh, Love, My favorite phrase and I strive everyday, in every situation to remember it!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Best Birthday EVER!!!

Last weekend I was blessed to spend my entire weekend with loved ones to celebrate my 30th birthday. It started Friday at work. The company I work for Doba bought us all yoga balls to use at our desks ( I LOVE IT). They came in Friday morning. Then for lunch my super amazing boss ordered my team Chinese food for our meeting we had. Then I came home to the most wonderful surprise from my husband. He bought me a Wii, the Glee karaoke. What a fun thing. We went out to eat at wingers and had their amazing Asphalt pie. Then we went shopping for some Wii games and stuff. We got the Wii fit and about 10 games and accessories. Mario kart anyone?

On Saturday I got to spend the day with 7 of my most dear, sweet and awesome friends. Laura, Lisa, Whitney, Ashley, Cammie, Liesl, and Tina. Along with baby McKay and Kaleb. We went to SLC to Gardener's Village for lunch and shopping. I had so much fun and was completely exhausted from it, but it was totally worth it. In the pictures you can see that yes I put in long extensions. Also the amazing bright pink purse that I am sporting was gift from my wonderful friend Laura. She has great taste right? I LOVE IT!!!Thank you to all my friends who came with us and celebrated my special day with me!

Liesl and baby McKay

Cammie and Baby Kaleb

Laura and I with my amazing pink purse she gave me

Did someone say SEXY? Oh yeah Ashley and I

Whitney and I

Ashley and I

Lisa and I. Someone asked if we were sisters. Since she is super pretty and amazing I will take that as a wonderful compliment.

Whitney and I again

After my fun girl's day at Gardener's Village, I went to mom and dad Harvey's for more birthday celebrating! Phil made me a delicious cake and my in laws made an awesome meal. I am truly a blessed woman. I have a wonderful group of friends and family both blood and by marriage. I wouldn't be the person I am today with out all of their influence. Thank you everyone for making me feel like a queen. Love and hugs to all!!!! It's picture time.

Blowing out the candles on the cake my hubby made for me!

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