I am hoping that through all the experiences I have had that I can share some of it and if not, than at least provide some amazing entertainment( no guarantees). I do promise to always share my opinions and feelings! Live, Laugh, Love, My favorite phrase and I strive everyday, in every situation to remember it!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is depressing for me. I'm am not very close with my mother but am blessed to have an amazing mom in law. My mom in law is such a wonderful woman and mother. She has taught me so much about what it means to be part of a family both in marriage and in spirit. Mom, thank you for all that you have taught me and are continually teaching me. I love you! You have raised 4 wonderful children, and taught my husband how to treat his wife like a queen.

Phil gave me flowers today and told me happy future mother's day. It totally brightened my day.

I am grateful for all the strong women in my life. There are so many that have helped to shape me into the woman I am. I look around and can't help but smile when I think of them. I have wonderful friends who share their children with me. They let me love on them and it brings me joy. My sweet friend Laura lost one of her precious daughters last year and all I can think about right now is how strong and loving she is. I can't even imagine how much hurt she is feeling today and everyday. It makes me happy to know that her sweet Mikkie is smiling down on her mommy today and everyday. Laura I know life has dealt your more than your fair share of trials and I know that you are only going to continue to become stronger EVERYDAY!!!

Whitney is another of my dear sweet friend. She shared the day her son was born with me. She allowed me to change his diaper, love on him, hold him and cuddle him. He is just over a year old now. I will always remember how she blessed me. Whitney, thank you for sharing your magical day with me. Your friendship means more to me than I can say. I feel so terrible that we have such a hard time matching our schedules up. I have seen you grown into a wonderful mother. Thank you for just being you.

Another wonderful mother is my friend Ashley. She has a son as well who is about 1 1/2 years old. She has transformed to a mommy with such grace and excitement. Ashley, thank you for staying a true friend to me. I know we have gone large amounts of time between seeing each other but I do think of you often. I treasure our friendship and always chuckle when I remember our old OS days. You were the one saving grace for me there. I am blessed to have you as a friend and example of a loving mother.

When I was in high school I was very distant with my mother. We just never have seen eye to eye. There were so many women from church who taught me things and showed me unconditional love even when I didn't deserve it. I have since lost contact with most of them but regret that. You will always be so dear to my heart.

If I can even be half as good of a mother as these wonderful women then It would be a true testament of how amazing they are. There are so many others I want to spotlight but am out of time. Thank you to all the women in my life who uplift, support, love and teach me. I love you so much!!!


  1. You're awesome Derin, thanks for sharing your thoughts. You don't have to have children to be considered a mother, you possess those qualities that makes a good mom....and one day you will be able to raise children, whether it's in this life or the next, I know it! Thanks for being a goos friend! :)

  2. I love you tons and tons!! We should go get pedicures together or something--we need to catch up!!
